Healthcare Powers of Attorney

Flagstaff Healthcare Power of Attorney and Advance Directive Lawyers

Arizona law firm writes advance directives to ensure your wishes are honored

Medical decisions are often a tough call. But when you can’t decide for yourself, whom would you trust to get the call right? Most of us would agree that decisions should not be left to someone who doesn’t know us, understand our values and or feel obliged to honor our wishes. At Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C., our experienced lawyers draft precise, enforceable powers of attorney and advance directives for individuals at various stages of life. We will help you achieve the peace of mind that comes with knowing your preferences will be communicated to healthcare professionals.

What is a healthcare agent?

A healthcare agent/attorney-in-fact is a stand-in who makes medical decisions on behalf of someone who’s not able to do so themselves. A healthcare agent power of attorney is a written document that gives decision-making authority to a person you select. That person has a duty to make sure you get the type of medical intervention you have previously approved. In Arizona, legal healthcare documents can take various forms:

  • Living will — This document states what types of medical intervention you wish or do not wish to be taken in defined circumstances.
  • Healthcare power of attorney — This transfers decision-making authority to an agent and takes effect when a physician verifies you are incapacitated.
  • Pre-hospital medical care directive — Also known as a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order, this document prohibits healthcare providers from using extraordinary means to keep a patient alive.

Our Flagstaff estate planning attorneys recommend some form of healthcare document as part of any estate plan.

Choosing a healthcare agent to fulfill your directives

When selecting a healthcare agent, you should consider several factors:

  • Availability to serve
  • Commitment to honor your wishes
  • Knowledge of your medical history
  • Ability to make decisions in time of crisis

Finding a mature and trustworthy individual who is willing and able to undertake these responsibilities can be challenging, but it is a very important decision.

Contact a knowledgeable estate planning attorney for advice on healthcare powers of attorney

The estate planning attorneys at Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C. in Flagstaff provide reliable advice on executing healthcare powers of attorney for Arizona residents. To schedule a consultation, call us at 928-779-6951 or contact our office online.

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